Monday, June 16, 2008

Potty Learning is getting closer!!

Nate had a great weekend! First off he pooped in the potty everyday! In the early evening between 6pm and 7pm, I told him it was time to poop. I took him in the bathroom and he sat on the potty. I handed him our portable DVD player and turned on They Might Be Giants: Here come the ABCs. Within 20minutes he pooped! Woo hoo!! The sensation to poop is so intense for Nate that he has to be 'focused' on something in order to relax enough to go. He is really into the ABCs video and it works! When I went to get him diagnosed the Dev. Ped suggested letting him watch a movie. D'oh! Why didn't I think of it sooner!! Anyway we are really happy!

Secondly we went to a small local carnival. For a sensory seeker it's been a little bizarre that he doesn't like rides. They have always freaked him out. Well he actually went on a pony ride. I walked with him just in case he decided to bail but he didn't. I was so proud of him. After that he rode 2 more rides. Then he physically stopped me with his arms and said, 'Big strawberry!' and pointed to a tea cup type ride that were giant strawberries. I was too nervous to let him go alone since there are no seat belts so I went with him. He totally loved it. I was making it spin and he loved yelling, whoa!! It was too cute.


Kristie said...

Im not sure if you have your little guy toilet trained yet... but, If you are interested, I have a seeker and an avoider... :o) ages 2.5 and 3.5 and I went to, she was wonderful! I loved her program!

Thanks for your sensory diet Ideas! Im going to try a couple of them! Seekers are soooo hard sometimes!

Laura Stauffer said...

My son was just diagnosed a few days ago, and I feel like this whole world opened up. He is 20 months and a big time seeker.... He pulled an ER worthy stunt nearly every day for a week before the OT eval. What has been your greatest source of support? What's your advice for sibbling issues and family members who "think he's just fine, quirky maybe" or don't "want to label him?" Sometimes I feel alone in this process.....